What is learning? How to teach in online lessons?
According to Prof. Dr. Soner Yildirim, learning defines as one of the functions of the brain, learning is the change that occurs in learners’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a temporal way. Learning occurs by repeating. We repeat till we make the information permanent in the brain, which takes most of the energy that we produce. That is also the reason why we can’t learn when we are not in a satisfied mood, our brain is taking care of our priorities since learning is something that we gained so much later in the evolution.
Doing the lesson plan is the key to having a smooth lesson. Every student has different needs and to meet their needs, we should be using the current materials and tools and use them in our classrooms, to make learning effective
According to Yildirim, when it comes to planning online lessons we have to pay attention to their duration. Educational videos must be between 10-15 minutes, since most university students rather not watching longer ones.
That is why an online lesson should be between 15-30 minutes. According to studies, most students remember only the first and the last parts of the lesson, they mostly lose interest after the first part. Therefore, it is unnecessary to give nearly 2-hour lessons, since your students probably won't be focused anyway.
As well as its duration, the way you present the subject is important. Again, according to Yildirim, the most remembered parts of a lesson are the visual parts, because the brain processes them faster, so it is easier to understand. Not only that, the visual parts are definitely more interesting than letters on a screen.
You can reach more information at given link below, which explains much more about learning and online lessons.
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