Technology based language learning 1 - making self learning more effective


The importance of technology increases every day, and in every field that we aim to improve ourselves, technology is a necessity. Both for productivity and time-saving. 
Knowing different languages is a blessing, and I have mentioned why it is important in my first writing ( Although it is a difficult process for every learner, technology can make this process both fun and easier at the same time. 
First of all, let's talk about the most basic tools when it comes to language learning; Dictionaries. With dictionaries, it is easier to learn new vocabulary and see their elaborate meanings. However, it is hard to always carry them around, even though they are small most of the time, I would still prefer something easier to bring everywhere since it is possible to need them when you never thought you would. Technology solves this problem! The phones that we carry everywhere -and by everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE- can easily be used as a dictionary. The Internet has lots of online dictionary sites and apps, which you can use effortlessly. 

Everyone who tried to learn a foreign language -or maybe tried to master their native language- must be heard that reading books are an amazing way to do that, not only to learn more about the language but also about knowing more about the target language's culture. Unfortunately, they are mostly very expensive, especially the ones that are on language learning. But the internet has solutions for that too! With the help of e-books, audiobooks, and PDFs, you can easily reach nearly every book that you want to read or study cheaper and faster. Lots of them are even free. 
And finally, one of the most effective ways of language learning -based on my experiences, and nearly every friend of mine- is to watch series and movies. In the past, before the rise of online streaming sites, people used to rent or buy movies if they couldn't see them in the cinema or on television. However, the internet made it easier than ever to watch movies and series, and they are one click away now. 
Of course, the most significant thing when one wants to do something is their own motivation and constant effort rather than the tools they have, nevertheless, using what we have makes the learning process more fun, effective, and easier. Hence if it is possible, technology brings a whole new perspective to the language learning process and should be used as much as possible. 


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